551. Santa Claus Parade this Sunday November 15, 2015

Huron Nation, Manitoulin Island, Ontario. Copyright ©2015 Ruth Lor Malloy

Huron Nation, Manitoulin Island, Ontario. Copyright ©2015 Ruth Lor Malloy

The commercial side of Christmas explodes in Toronto this weekend with the Santa Claus parade.  If I go, it’s to see just how multiracial it is – among the participants and among the spectators. Toronto’s population is now almost half visible minority. Is this reflected in this, one of our largest events? The parade snakes from Christie Pits to St. Lawrence Market. It starts at 12:30pm.The route is on: http://www.thesantaclausparade.ca/.

I also keep hoping that our people will think just as much about the giving side of Christmas as the receiving side of Christmas. The original theme of Christmas is love and forgiveness. It is refreshing to see so many of our citizens working on welcoming Syrian refugees to our city.  But Syrians are not the only people in need.

Let us know your thoughts about the Santa Claus parade.



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