Category : Halal

830. July 6–16+ Caribbean Carnival, Carabram, Halal Fest, Kalayaan, etc. – 2018.

Different cultural events are in profusion all over Multicultural Toronto now and those listed here are free or almost free unless you want to

658. Halal Food Fest – May 21, 22, 2016.

Lots of free food samples, food trucks and vendors. Clothes, jewellery and books also for sale. Performers and lecturers. An opportunity to learn about

Ramadan is the holiest time of the year for Muslims around the world, and for them it is the month of sharing. Every year

380. Our Report on the 2013 Halal Food Festival

  What is halal? Can everyone eat it? How different is it from other food? I went to the Halal Food Festival when it