16 Nov
There’s much happening this weekend in the multicultural department. Can anyone fit in the Santa Claus parade, the 29th Annual Swedish Christmas Festival, and the Birthday of Sri Guru Nanak? For details, see www.TorontoMulticulturalCalendar.com.
Could you let us know how many visible minorities you see in the Santa Claus parade? Do the numbers reflect Toronto’s diversity? Should the parade include more visible minorities? Can you share with us your experiences talking with neighbouring parade watchers especially those of another cultural group than yours? Are they friendly? Did you learn anything?
You can certainly meet people of Swedish origin at Harbourfront this weekend. The Santa Lucia festival is a beautiful Christmas tradition. Did you know the original Lucia was Sicilian?
Your kids will probably enjoy learning how to decorate ginger bread cookies.
My own experience at the birthday celebrations of Sri Guru Nanak, the founder of the Sikh Religion, is below at Blog no. 3. The Lions’ Exotic Den. You might want to read it before deciding to go to that very religious Indian celebration.