4 Apr
I found these interesting free or nearly free events on NOW magazine’s web-site for the new few days. Please let me know if you’ve found others that help us appreciate or understand the cultures of our diverse population.
Thurs. Apr. 7. 2-4pm. Roma Refugees and the Canadian and Immigration Refugee Board Workshop. City Hall Comm Rm 4, Queen and Bay. For more information: e-mail: websites@ocasi.org.
Thurs. Apr. 7. 1:30pm. Living Memories, Part I Storytelling workshop for older immigrant adults with Bernice Hune. Malvern Library, 30 Sewells. Tel. 416-396-8969 for more information.
Sun. Apr. 10. 9:30am-5pm. Sacred Dances. Whirling Dervishes class and ancient temple dancing seminar. Pay what you can. Koffler Centre, 596 Spadina, Tel. 416-533-3505.
See NOW’s web-site: http://www.nowtoronto.com/news/daily_events.cfm .
When I saw the word “whirling dirvishes”, memories flooded my mind of the young man who performed for us in Egypt while on a cruise on the Nile a couple of years ago. I could not believe that anyone could last that long in a whirling dance and either not drop from dizziness or from exhaustion. It was absolutely incredible!!! Wish I were younger. I’d go and take lessons. Lorraine