21 Apr
Oh, I’m so embarrassed! I thought I had this great idea for a contest. I was hoping it would lure people to my web-site: www.TorontoMulticulturalCalendar. I was hoping you would enjoy my pictures of different cultures in Toronto. If you tried to identify the country of origin of the cultures, maybe you would want to find out more about the cultures of your neighbours. Hopefully, you would want to attend their festivals.
All has been going well with the contest. People have looked at the pictures — but suddenly I discovered that the form we set up to make it easier for you to try the contest didn’t work. And now it’s too late to make any changes with the deadline May 1. I know some of you have been frustrated by unsuccessful attempts. I am so sorry.
So if you haven’t been too discouraged and want to still try for the $100 prize, click on www.torontomulticulturalcalendar.com. Try to identify the country of origin of the culture in the picture. You can scroll through this blog. There are a lot of clues in it. Just forget about the form and e-mail what answers you have directly to: TorMulticulturalCalendar@yahoo.ca . Sorry, only residents of Ontario can apply.
If you don’t have all the answers, never mind. Do the best you can. You might win. But please enter soon. — Ruth.