10 Oct
I’ve been hoping to tell you about the 20th Images and Words Festival that’s on now to November 19. It’s daunting for me to list because there’s so many different events and venues. It’s in Spanish, French or English. It’s a “true literary celebration spanning language and culture.” It celebrates good literature in Spanish with their precise and artistic translations in English and French. Spanish speakers will learn about Canadian writers of other origins through the translation of their work into Spanish.
And there’s cinema and music too.
The easiest thing for me is to suggest that you check out its web-site. Look at “Events” and “About Us.” All events are free, with the exception of Sí-Sí-Cine showings ($8), the play “Johnny Tenorio” and the Friendship dinner. Click on: http://bit.ly/oMAYMy . Let us know if you find anything truly exciting.