10 Jan
The launch of Tamil Heritage Month at Toronto City Hall this week had some spectacular dancing and costumes as well as greetings from officials. See http://on.fb.me/UFsCv4 and http://bit.ly/ZuY7rX for some of our previous blogs on Tamils in Toronto. Copyright ©2013 Ruth Lor Malloy
The performances by the Tamil Cultural and Academic Society of Durham included recitations in Tamil by children acting as ancient Tamil poets. This years theme is on Tamil literature, language & traditions. Copyright ©2013 Ruth Lor Malloy
Thrilling for many was sitting in the City Hall Council Chamber. The organizers hope to make Tamil Heritage Month provincial and national. For more information: http://bit.ly/UMtnTk and www.tamilheritagemonth.com. Copyright ©2013 Ruth Lor Malloy
For the 2019 Tamil Heritage Month launch, see: https://www.torontomulticulturalcalendar.com/2019/01/05/855-january-6-13-affordable-events-in-multicultural-toronto-2019/.
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