3 Jun
Emmanuel Gallant writes:
I just want to thank you for your very useful and well designed blog https://www.torontomulticulturalcalendar.com/calendar/.
Recently arrived in Toronto and myself passionate about multiculturalism, it constitutes a real great source of inspiration and a good tool to know what’s happening in the GTA.
Thus, I heard about Carassauga through your blog and could appreciate a few aboriginal shows Sunday afternoon, such as those I have just posted on Youtube. (I don’t know if you had the occasion to go, but I found them really good).
Our answer: Hi Emmanuel, I’m delighted that you found our blog helpful. Many thanks for the links to your videos of the First Nations performers at Carassauga. Your videos give a good idea of a couple of the performances there. Sorry, I couldn’t get there this year. Ruth.
Note: We are happy to share everyone’s pictures of multicultural events in Toronto if they are good. Please keep videos short and give us a variety of close-ups like faces and feet in motion, as well as long shots which show us the setting. Please include information about the event such as the name of the performing group, date, and location. We’d like to promote the performers you like.
For stills, we want pictures of people in action, performing. We do NOT want people standing in a row looking at your camera. Each still picture should tell a story in itself. Please include your impressions and descriptions of the event. If you didn’t like the events, please tell us why gently.
Important: close-up, identifiable pictures of individuals who are not performers in a public place must be accompanied by a note indicating consent for his or her image to be published in the Multicultural Toronto Calendar Blog along with his or her name and contact address. This name and address will not be published if indicated. The name of the photographer should be included.
Please contact us at: ruthglor@hotmail.com.