6 Sep
Toronto’s most important annual film festival TIFF has already started. So has Harbourfront’s Caribbean Tales Film Showcase and the Toronto Indie Film Festival. They all have insightful films that help us understand the problems and joys of our neighbours whose cultural heritages are different from our own.
I regret, I haven’t been able to get the names and dates of important films to you. There are just too many being shown in Toronto.
So I’m looking for a film buff who can help us with the names, venues, dates, prices and description of individual international films showing in Toronto. We are especially interested in promoting those that are free but we want to include important films that aren’t. And I regret, our website can’t afford to pay anyone. None of us gets paid. But with films, you might be able to get free tickets.
Toronto has over 75 film festivals, most of them based on Toronto’s multicultural community, says Steve Veale of The Film Festival Association. TFFAtries to keep track of all our film-festivals. Its website says that “Toronto has more film festivals than any other city on the planet.”It’s at : http://www.torontofilmfestivals.com/about.html .
So far, only the Mexicans and the German Goethe Institute have let us know of their country’s involvement in the festival. The Goethe Institute has even offered free tickets, but alas, it’s too late now. Gina Csanyi-Robah (ginacsanyi@gmail.com) has told us about An Episode in the Life of an Iron Worker. This is the tragic story of a Romani couple in Bosnia-Herzegovina who couldn’t get hospital treatment for a miscarriage there. This film should help us understand the problems of our Romani neighbours.
So until www.TorontoMulticulturalCalendar.com can get help, it will only be listing films we have time to post. If you can help, please email us at: ruthlormalloy@gmail.com . Ruth.