12 Nov
Help is needed for victims of the record-breaking Typhoon Haiyan that hit the Philippines on November 8. With an estimated 10,000 or more dead and about 660,000 displaced, the Canadian government has sent its Disaster Assistance Response Team. Canada has also pledged up to $5-million in aid and is matching every dollar donated by Canadians between November 9 and December 8 given through registered Canadian charities and marked for typhoon relief.
Among the many charities is the Humanitarian Coalition comprised of CARE, Oxfam, Save the Children and Plan Canada at www.together.ca . Other agencies giving assistance are: Canadian Red Cross, Doctors without Borders, Global Medic, UNICEF, World Vision, etc.
In Toronto, we can give a sympathetic ear to our neighbours from the Philippines. The Toronto Star reported that over nine million people have been affected by the storm in that country.