14 Sep
Want to dance but have no partner?
Try international folk dancing.
International Folk Dance Open House
8-11 P.M.
Participatory Folk Dancing
Pot Luck Refreshments
No partner necessary
Instruction provided, beginners welcome
Location: University of Toronto Schools, 371 Bloor St. West, Room 122
Info: Judy 416 978-0623 or Walter walter.zagorski@bell.net
Sponsored by University of Toronto International Folk Dance Club
Ruth writes: Toronto has lots of places where you can learn to folk dance – for free or almost free. We’ve heard good things about the above weekly Friday dances for $8 close to the Spadina subway station. On October 2, it will be free.
There’s also English Country Dances which should be back indoors in October. See: http://www.torontoenglishdance.ca .
And this Wednesday, on September 16, the Tibetan Women’s Association is hosting an outdoor Gorshey dance from 6 to 8pm. at Parkdale Collegiate, weather permitting. In case it rains, it will be at 20 West lodge. Tea and light snacks will be served. For what Gorshey dance looks like – and it’s easy to learn – see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_UlrHNsGcU. Parkdale Collegiate is at 209 Jameson Ave. For further information please contact the TWA at email: twa.ontario@gmail.com.
And of course there are frequent dance lessons of all varieties at Harbourfront.
Have I forgotten any others? Write to us at “Respond” below.