26 Nov
Thanks to Jenny Cafiso of Canadian Jesuits International and to others for telling us about this event.
The humanitarian response to the Syrian Crisis: Reflections from the region
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
7:00pm – 8:30pm
Loretto College, 70 St. Mary St.
Walking distance from Bay and Museum stations. Paid parking available in nearby lots.
Fouad Nakhla, SJ is a Jesuit priest from Syria, who has worked in Damascus with the Jesuit Refugee Service.
Loae Almously is from Syria, has worked with the Jesuit Refugee Service in Jordan, and came to Canada this year as a refugee.
Miriam Lopez-Villegas is the CJI International Programs Coordinator, with several years of experience in humanitarian work, including serving Syrian refugees in Lebanon and Jordan.
Co-sponsored by the Mary Ward Centre, and JRS Canada
Question period will follow and light refreshments will be served.
Moderator: Jenny Cafiso, CJI Director
RSVP to Kenneth Vaz at cji@jesuits.ca, or 416-465-1824