2 Feb
February is Black History Month and so far, we’ve found the following events to broaden our knowledge about our Black neighbours. Please let us know about other interesting ways.
February 5, 6 and 7. Kuumba at Harbourfront. http://bit.ly/1VFvLtd
All month. Toronto Public Library music, films, crafts, authors, history, Black celebrities: http://bit.ly/1RXeZrp
February 10-14. Toronto Black Film Festival: http://torontoblackfilm.com/
February 12. 9pm. Toronto Black Film Festival: “The Boda Boda Thieves”, German-African production’s take on “Bicycle Thieves”. Carlton Cinema, 20 Carlton Street, Toronto
Tickets: $10 via Toronto Black Film Festival: 416-888-7208, info@torontoblackfilm.com
Luganda with English subtitles. Co-presented by the Goethe-Institut. Ontario Premiere. http://bit.ly/1PvTifG
Saturday, February 13. 12-4pm. Toronto Urban Book Expo. North York Central Library, 5120 Yonge St.
A Black History Month book fair featuring urban writers, publishers, and businesses from the U.S. and Canada. http://bit.ly/1SVmqQ3
Deadline February 16. Mayor’s Black History Month Creative Writing Contest which is designed for youth to engage on the topic of Black history and the achievements and contributions made by the community in Toronto.
For submission guidelines and more information: http://bit.ly/1PlE5hi
February 18-19. Anti-Black Racism Conference. 350 Victoria St., Ryerson University. http://bit.ly/1nBN8jv
Ontario Human Rights Commission just sent us their statement on Black History Month. See: