13 Apr
Ruth writes: If multiple notices about our new blogs are bothering subscribers, please accept my apologies. We have been trying to solve this problem for some time now, but alas, our computer program so far has given us only two choices: four notices or no notices. Until we can solve this problem, please bear with us. Another possibility is following us on Twitter #torontomulticul . Twitter notifies followers only once with each of our new Blogs.
We apologize also because we only have information about the Myanmar (Burmese) and Laotian New Year’s Festivals. Other South Asians are probably celebrating the new year in Toronto too.
Lao New Year celebrations are also April 23 but from 7pm to 1pm. Caledon Community Complex, 6215 Old Church Road, Caledon East. $20 admission includes music, dancing, and Lao buffet. It’s open to the public. Contact: Kham Vong for more information, 647-998-8940.