676. August 1, 5-7 Events in Affordable Multicultural Toronto – 2016

This coming week’s events include Black history, Bolivia, Buddhist, Greek, Indian, japan, Latin, Christian, Jamaican and Multicultural.

Black History. OBHS Freedom Festival! Celebrating August 1st, 1834 Emancipation Day. Freedom of people of African origin throughout the British Empire which included Canada!
Freedom Words at Queen’s Park. Friday, Monday, August 1, 2pm. Free. NOTE: If you are going to attend, RSVP the Ontario Black History Society (OBHS) at 416-867-9420 or monitor its facebook site: https://www.facebook.com/events/788204544547252/.

2. Emancipation Day/Simcoe Day. Fort York. Monday, August 4. 1pm. Free. John Graves Simcoe was lieutenant-governor of the Province of Upper Canada (now Ontario). During his tenure, he abolished slavery here in 1793 before it was completely abolished by the Slavery Abolition Act in Britain.
Freedom Tour and Picnic = August (tbd). For up to date details, contact the OBHS office at 416-867-9420 or monitor its Facebook site.

Anne Marie Woods aka Amani reads from Maya An at QWueen's Park Celebration. Image Copyright ©2016 Ruth Lor Malloy.

Anne Marie Woods aka Amani reads from Maya Angelou at a previous Queen’s Park Celebration. Image Copyright ©2016 Ruth Lor Malloy.

Buddhist Relics.zzzzzzthumbnail_Notice20160725enRevised_2

Greek and Multicultural. 23rd Annual Krinos Taste of the Danforth. Friday, August 5, 6 pm-midnight; Saturday, August 6, noon-midnight; Sunday, August 7, noon-8 pm. Danforth Avenue (between Broadview and Pape Avenues). Free. This is one of our largest and most popular street fairs. It is set in a neighbourhood of many Greek restaurants but like many of our ethnic neighbourhoods, it is multicultural. For Greek music and dancing, look for its Greek stage. “Try to be Greek” by smashing plates in the old tradition, learn the Greek dance Zorba, and meet some gods from Mount Olympus.

You will also find sports professionals of different cultural backgrounds, children’s games, Hollywood, Chinese and other foods for sale, etc. www.tasteofthedanforth.com.

Image of children's event from a previous Taste of the Danforth. Copyright ©2016 Ruth Lor Malloy

Image of children’s event from a previous Taste of the Danforth. Copyright ©2016 Ruth Lor Malloy

India. India Day Festival and Grand Parade. Groups from different Indian states parade together, some riding rickshaws. Food  and other vendors. Performers. Sunday, August 7. 10-8pm. Free. Yonge-Dundas Square.


Japan.   Hiroshima/Nagasaki Day Commemoration. Saturday, August 6, 4:30-8:30pm. Free. Nathan Phillips Square and Peace Garden.  13584644_1106151996123661_7515792914658191394_o

 For details of the Poster, click on: http://hiroshimadaycoalition.ca/.

Muilticultural. The Second Scarborough Community Multicultural Festival. Celebrating Scarborough’s Rich Culture and Diversity“. Music, cuisine and arts. Friday, August 5–Sunday, August 7. 10am–10pm. $5-$8. Scarborough Civic Centre, Albert Campbell Square, 150 Borough Drive. www.kinronassociates.ca/. Twitter: @ScarbFestTO # ScarbFestTO. http://www.scarboroughcommunityfestival.ca/

ScarbFestTO Media FINAL-page-1Latin Festival. August 6 and 7. Parade August 6 at 4-5pm. Free. Mississauga Celebration Square, 300 City Centre Drive, Mississauga. Tel. 647-272-4354.  www.mississaugalatinfestival.com.

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Multi-denominational Christian. Voices of the Nations.  Saturday, August 6. Free. Yonge-Dundas Square. For its problem getting a permit, see: http://bit.ly/1Q4rCRp. For its YouTube video: http://bit.ly/29ZBduw. For performers: http://voicesofthenations.com/artists/.

Image Nema Children's Choir from Voices of the Nations.

Image Nema Children’s Choir from Voices of the Nations.

Multinational: Country flags are raised on GTA’s courtesy flag poles at city hall and civic centres. On August 6, the Bolivian flag will fly at 10:30am at Toronto City Hall and the Jamaican flag at North York Civic Centre at 11am. Our municipal buildings are public. Anyone can watch these flag-raisings.  For information about the dates of flag raising of other countries, see: http://bit.ly/NhPcLr.


Cover photo of Greek dancer from previous Taste of the Danforth. Copyright ©2016 Ruth Lor Malloy.

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