15 Oct
What is it? This was our first reaction to the striking monument Linda Malloy photographed this week on Lake Shore Boulevard near the overpass by Palais Royale. We just had to take a look at it ourselves. The design was imaginative. It was a large wooden tunnel with a framed maple leaf at one end. The nearby plaque explained that it was in “remembrance of the Hungarian Freedom Fight, October 23, 1956… against the invading Society Army… Canada welcomed 37,565 Hungarians following the fall of the uprising.”
Hello Wood built it in partnership with the Consulate General of Hungary and we hope you can see it immediately if not sooner. The installation is dated “September 25, 2016 – October 01, 2016” but it was still up on October 14. For more information, see www.1956Canada.ca/budapestpark and www.hellowood.eu.