23 Feb
Where can we find information about supporting our mosques with “Rings of Peace”? Where can we express displeasure at attacks on multiculturalism?
Holy Blossom Temple organized some protective rings on February 3 around seven Toronto mosques. Several hundred people took part. I am sure more would have joined if we had known.
So I started looking and found notices of these and related events on “Facebook.com” if you click on “Events”. You have to have a Facebook account to access it.
This weekend:
Saturday February 25 between 12 pm and 6 pm. “Masjid Toronto Youth Team invites you, alongside your family and friends, to explore the mysteries behind our doors”.
Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) is holding an open meeting Sunday, February 26. 2:30-4:30pm. Trinity St. Paul’s Church, 427 Bloor St. West. This meeting is “focusing on mobilizating plans to show up and counter an anti-Islam rally on March 4…
“We want to build a strong coalition to stand up against white supremacy and rising Islamophobia in Toronto. As these views become normalized by politicians and emboldened hate groups, our goal is to build a mass movement of white folks who are effective at showing up for racial justice.” www.facebook.com/events/106061619918031/
On March 4, the two opposing demonstrations are at Toronto City Hall.
The Islamophobic Canadian Coalition of Concerned Citizens (CCCC) is hosting a “March for Freedom” at City Hall on Saturday, from 12 to 2pm. https://www.facebook.com/CanadianCCC/videos/vb.712135832297963/729360157242197/?type=2&theater
The Communist Party of Canada, Parkdale Club is hosting a counter-protest against White Supremacy from 11am to 2:30pm.
Related to this, the Facebook message of the Church of St. Stephen in-the-Fields says: “We, along with many other groups and individuals, intend to be present before they (the CCCC) arrive, with messages of support, inclusion, and love… supporting our Muslim neighbours”. “Please join us at Nathan Phillips Square at 11 a.m., and, if you can, bring signs…” https://www.facebook.com/events/1144030005708346
For people who are not on Facebook and want to be kept informed about events like these, we suggest you ask friends who are on Facebook to put you in their loop. I haven’t found a better source. Ruth
The Holy Blossom Temple information is on: http://holyblossom.org/2017/02/ring-of-peace-thank-you. It is worth a read.
Our featured image is from St. Stephens-in-the-Field.