12 Jun
Asia, China, First Nations, Italy, Portugal and our multiculturalism inspire lots of big, outdoor, festivals overflowing with smiling people during this period. We also have some smaller but equally fun events hosted by individual countries like Guyana, Morocco and Tatarstan, and lovers of Dixieland music. I want to spend a day learning about our present and past First Nations people while some of us might want to share the pain and glory at a World Cup bar party.
Look for our flamboyant and extremely popular Pride parade, and a smaller Afro-Cuban and Latino music concert in Ontario Place. Special is the Black-Owned Summer Market. Escape from the pressures and turmoils of life with Tibetan prayers for peace and labyrinth walks.
It is the end of Ramadan, the very holy month of Muslim fasting. Anybody can bring their families to enjoy a carnival to celebrate with Muslim friends. Most of these events are free or nearly free.
Afro-Cuba. Latino. Music, Dance & Theatre in Trillium Park. Thursday, June 14. 7-10pm. Free. OKAN and Ruben Esguerra & New Tradition Music. Hip-Hop with Latin rhythms and melodies. Ontario Place, 955 Lakeshore Blvd West. http://ontarioplace.com/en/event/music-trillium-park-okan-ruben-esguerra-new-tradition/.
For other free events in this series on Thursday evenings and Sunday afternoons: http://ontarioplace.com/en/musicintrilliumpark.
Asia. Taste of Asia Festival. June 23. 11am-11pm. June 24. 10am-5pm. Free. Milliken Mills, 4350 Steeles Avenue East, Markham. Email:tasteofasia@fccm.ca. Phone: 905-946-1137. “Cultural performances, culinary artists, iconic celebrities, dignitaries, sports fans, artisans and food connoisseurs. Non-stop multicultural performances for families and friends.” https://www.yorkregion.com/events/8339626-668609-taste-of-asia-festival-2018/.Black Entrepreneurs. Black Owned Summer Market. June 17. 1-8pm. Free. Vendors, music, culture, art and live performances. Learn about Black culture at Artscape Wychwood Barns, 601 Christie. Www.Blackownedunity.com
China. Chinese Family Day. June 16. 12-10pm. Free. Mel Lastman Square. Program: http://www.chinesefamilyday.com/program.
First Nations. Metis. Indigenous Arts Festival. June 21 at 8am and June 24 at 5pm.
June 21-22. Free. (Ticketed). Indigenous Education Days will feature traditional drumming, dancing, and storytelling offered free to school children of all ages. Ticketed.
June 23 Public Festival. Na-Me-Res Annual Traditional Pow Wow. 5:45am – Sunrise Ceremony; 12pm – Grand Entry. Free. https://www.nameres.org/wp-content/uploads/ENGPow-Wow-Poster-2018-FINAL2web-Eng.pdf
June 24. Public Festival. Additional main stage performances in partnership with the Red Ride Tour. Free.
Fort York, 250 Fort York Blvd. https://www.toronto.ca/explore-enjoy/festivals-events/indigenous-arts-festival
Dana Claxton’s A Forest of Canoes. The transformation of three canoe ‘skeletons’ into works of art. June 21-24. Free. Fort York Visitor Centre Grounds and Bentway Skate Trail, 250 Fort York Blvd. http://www.toronto.ca/IAF
First Nations. ‘Flipping the Lens’: Reclaiming Indigenous Histories through Photograph. June 21. 7- 8pm. Free. Beeton Hall, Toronto Reference Library, 789 Yonge Street. Writer Paul Seesequasis presents his popular social media project on the presentation, naming and re-telling of historical photographs of Indigenous communities across Turtle Island. With Wanda Nanibush, Curator, Indigenous Art, AGO. https://www.torontopubliclibrary.ca/programs-and-classes/featured/aboriginal-celebration.jsp.
First Nations. Celebrating Summer Solstice and Indigenous History Month. Family Fun Day. Saturday, June 16. Peel Art Gallery, Museum and Archives, 9 Wellington Street East, Brampton. Indigenous dancers Leslie and Lindy back for an interactive dance performance; Family Art and Yoga: Family Art and Stories; Family Tour. All these activities are included in the cost of PAMA admission ($5, or $12 for a family of 2 adults and up to 5 kids).
Celebrating Summer Solstice and National Indigenous People Day, Thursday, June 21 (Free Admission Evening): Tours of PAMA’s We Are Here: The Story of Aboriginal People in Peel Region exhibition. Drop-in activity inspired by Summer Solstice; Aboriginal Drumming Circle with Peel Aboriginal Network (PAN).
For more information: http://pama.peelregion.ca/en/News/index.aspx?newsId=ba5991de-ac15-40ce-836d-00afcf5d501a
Guyana. Guyana 52nd Independence Festival. June 23. Free. Sports Day. L’Amoureaux Sports Park (Kennedy Road and McNicoll Avenue); June 24 Guyana Festival. 10am-8pm. Free. Albert Campbell Square, in Scarborough City Centre, 150 Borough Dr, Scarborough. Www.guyanaconsulate.com.
Italy. 52nd CHIN PICNIC. June 15-Jun 17. Times vary. Free entry. College Street between Bloor and Shaw. www.chinradio.com. For Taste of Little Italy visit www.tolittleitaly.com.
Morocco. Eid Pot Luck Party. June 16. 12-6pm. Free but bring some food to share. All welcome. You don’t have to be Moroccan. Royal Canadian Legion, 6 Spring Garden Avenue, North York. For this event, see: http://amdt.ca/fr/
Multicultural. China. Toronto International Dragon Boat Festival. June 16-17. 9am-4pm. Free admission for spectators. “On average, over 5,000 athletes participating in the heritage dragon boat race with over 80 local artists, artisans and heritage performers, 200+ volunteers participating in this 2-day festival. It draws over 65,000 visitors per year to Toronto Centre Island.” http://dragonboats.com/.
Note: Go early. Expect long queues for ferries. Think now about racing next year as training starts early in the year. Participating in the race is a lot more fun than just watching. You could also watch the cultural festival or munch on the food for sale. — Ruth
Multicultural. Toronto Global Village. June 22. 5pm-10pm; June 23. 10am-10pm; June 24. 10am-10pm. “Totally Free”. Mel Lastman Square, 5100 Yonge Street. Come out and enjoy tens of cultures with over 30 languages and the local art and performances. Two stages of Musicians & Bands”. For more info: http://www.globalvillagefestival.ca.
Program: http://www.globalvillagefestival.ca/program (to be updated).
Multicultural. Toronto Jazz Festival. June 22-July 1. Various venues and prices. Mainly Bloor-Yorkville. For free shows: http://torontojazz.com/yorkville-free-shows.
Multicultural. Kensington Market Pedestrian Sundays. “Join us in celebrating our 15th season of Pedestrian Sundays in 2018!” Sunday June 24th, July 29th, August 26th, September 30th & October 28th 2018. 12 to 7pm throughout the market! Smaller evening closures will take place from 7-10 pm in Lower Kensington Avenue in July & September; Upper Augusta Ave. Evening Closures in June, August & October. http://www.kensingtonmarketbia.com/pedestrian-sundays-in-kensington-market.htm. Admission free. Multicultural. Pride Festival Street Fair. Friday June 22. 7pm-2am; Saturday June 23. 12pm-2am; Sunday June 24. 12pm-11pm. Free entry. For more detailed information about this and other Pride events: http://www.pridetoronto.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2018-Pride-Guide.pdf.
Pride Parade: Sunday, June 24. 2pm. Free. Map with info and parade route: http://www.pridetoronto.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/Community-Notice-2018.pdf.
Multicultural. Irie Music Festival. June 22-23. Free. Reggae, African, soca, etc. and art, dance, spoken word, food and drink. Mississauga Celebration Square, 300 City Centre. Iriemusicfestival.com.
Multifaith. Summer Equinox Labyrinth Walk. Thursday June 21. 12 noon. Free. Toronto Public Labyrinth in Trinity Square Park (south of the Church of the Holy Trinity and west of the Eaton Centre). http://www.labyrinthnetwork.ca/events/ and www.labyrinthnetwork.ca.
Muslim. Eid ul-Fitr Prayers & Celebration. Eid al-Fitr 2018 begins the evening of Thursday, June 14 and ends the evening of Friday, June 15. It is the end of the month-long Ramadan fast.
Prayers & Celebrations in mosques. Noor Cultural Centre says: Please join us for our Eid celebrations on Friday June 15, insh’Allah Program:
9:10am. Dhikr commences; 9:30am. Prayers led by Faizal Kayum;
Khutbah by Samira Kanji (President, Noor Cultural Centre, 123 Wynford Drive).
Fitra (suggested $10) will be directed towards local food banks and community support services.Muslim. MAC Eid Festival 2018 – Eid Al Fitr. Friday, June 15. 9am-8pm. Free admission. Enercare Centre, 100 Princes Blvd. #1. Rides for children, vendors, food for sale. “The Muslim Association of Canada would like to invite you to join this grand celebration that has become a fabric of Ontario’s heritage and Toronto’s multicultural mosaic. The event has had over 10,000 attendees come together to celebrate Eid which is an amazing sight for anyone to witness.” Doors open – 9am; Prayer – 10am; Festival – 11am – 8pm.” https://maceidfest.com/toronto/.
Portugal. Portuguese Week Events. Various venues and prices. http://acapo.ca/events.
Tatarstan. Tatar Festival Sabantuy. June 24. 10am-6pm. G. Ross Lord Park, picnic area 3, 4777 Dufferin Street West, North York. The Tatar Community Berlek invites you to this national celebration.
Approximate program:
10:00 – 12:00 – Registration, setting up tables, cooking national dishes, hot tea from samovar;
For children: face painting, crafts & arts, preparing for the performance, national games;
12:00 – 13:30 – Opening ceremony, greetings, concert and children’s show
13:30 – 14:30 – Lunch with hot plov, national dishes, tea from samovar
14:30 – 16:30 – National Tatar games, contests
16:30 – 17:00 – Lottery, and closing ceremony
Family event. Admission: $5.00 for a lottery, $1.00 for each coupon which can be used for face painting, food, games, crafts, and others (minimum 10 coupons per person). Free coupons will be given to those who bring national dishes for bake-sale, souvenirs, and help organize the event. Professional singer from Tatarstan (Russia), Lilia Khairullina, who will be singing beautiful Tatar songs.
Tibet. The 6th Toronto Kagyu Monlam. Fri June 22 – Sun Jun 24. By donation. Sponsored by Karma Sonam Dargye Ling. Tibetan Canadian Cultural Centre, 40 Titan Road.
U.S. Dixieland Plus. Benares Historic House Veranda. June 22. 7pm. PWYC. For this and other concerts from June 8 to August 2: http://fommississauga.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/OTV-brochure-2018-Final.pdf
Wiccam. Litha: Summer Solstice Goddess Ritual. June 21. 8pm. The only Wiccam event found so far for this period costs $60, too expensive for this blog. And it’s women only. If you are still interested, information is at: https://www.therockstore.ca/products/litha-summer-solstice-goddess-ritual-jun-21st-8pm\.
World Cup Parties with Fans from Participant Countries: June 14 to July 15. Usually for the price of beer; for example, Denmark’s games will be at Betty’s; England’s games will be at the Elephant and Castle, etc. For a list of countries and bars: http://dailyhive.com/toronto/fifa-world-cup-toronto-bars-2018.
Note from Ruth: TorontoMulticulturalCalendar.com chooses to promote events that encourage a feeling of community in our culturally diverse city. Mention doesn’t mean endorsement but we try to include events we think readers will find stimulating and affordable in the cultures of other groups. If you go to any of our mentioned events, please send us corrections or an account of your impressions so we will know whether or not we should promote these events in future. Please continue to send us posters. We don’t charge to post them and we don’t accept paid advertising. Post comments on “Leave a Reply” below. Email us at: ruthlormalloy@gmail.com. Subscribe to our Newsletter above.