14 Jun
I just heard about some World Refugee Day commemorations in Toronto, good places to meet some new immigrants and show support for Multicultural Toronto. Ruth
Wednesday, June 20. Community Walk. From Yonge-Dundas Square to a lunch at Regent Park from 12-2pm. Organized by Amnesty International and other Toronto organizations. https://www.aito.ca/event/celebrate-world-refugee-day-on-june-20th/
June 20. 6-9pm. Free. Community Dinner. Matthew House. https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/world-refugee-day-community-dinner-tickets-46156941655
June 23. Free. Alas, sold out. Refugee Day Celebration by Newcomers Network – The Peoples Church
June 20. Christie Refugee Welcome Centre. www.crwc.TO