As usual, we are listing lots of opportunities for foodies to sample new foods and to learn where to contact the caterers and restaurants
A good reason to learn about Assyria and Australia. Plan now to share a Thanksgiving with Newcomers. Celtic, Ethiopian and Polish festivals. Two Christian
Look here for a chance to experience ancient Japanese Noh theatre arts and recent Taiko drumming. A call for map lovers to help Doctors
Wonderful how the plight of 12 young soccer players lost in a remote cave in Thailand brought the world together recently. Here in Toronto,
During this period, you can meet representatives of the cultures of about 40 different countries and regions, and four different religions. They can tell
Does anyone know of an event where people of our different cultural groups can discuss mental health issues together? Like how to help “loners”?
Brazil, England, First Nations, India, Japan, and Russia have inspired cultural events in Toronto this week. You can meet and talk with Israelis and
On July 1, most Canadians will celebrate a very special birthday called Canada 150. It’s been 150 years since the fathers of Canada’s confederation
If you are interested in cultures in Toronto from Brazil, Cuba, Hong Kong, India, Korea, Syria, and/or Taiwan, mark your calendar now for the
Toronto’s East Chinatown should look even more multicultural by the end of August if all goes well. Twenty-one professional painters are currently working on