What cultural group is Peranakan? We have at least one representative that I know of in Toronto. A First Nations pow wow is coming
Music and stories from Africa, a Jewish concert and Shabbat ceremony, and medieval music at Toronto’s Public Labyrinth spring equinox walk. Our annual Francophone
A Serbian Food event, and Egyptian Coptic and Macedonian Cultural festivals – all related to Christian churches in Toronto. A First Nations art exhibit
During this period, you can meet representatives of the cultures of about 40 different countries and regions, and four different religions. They can tell
England, Latin America, Eid ul-Adha, Hot and Spicy Foods, Serbia and Tibet inspired the upcoming events this weekend in Toronto. Most of these are
Many cities in the world are finding multiculturalism a burden. Please show your friends how lucky we are with our vast number of interesting,
Here are just a few of the free events this weekend reflective of our culturally-diverse city. Heritage backgrounds and origins include England, Ethiopia, Hispanic,
Ruth writes: Trying new and different cuisines is one of the joys of Toronto. I heard about the recent Serbian food festival from a
September 13. 12-8pm. The Sri Lankan festival celebrates that country’s famous dish Kothu at the Scarborough Town Centre – easily accessible by subway. http://kothufest.com/
This weekend of free multicultural adventures starts on Thursday with interviews with two authors, both at 7pm. Details like links, addresses, times and