8 Sep
September 13. 12-8pm. The Sri Lankan festival celebrates that country’s famous dish Kothu
at the Scarborough Town Centre – easily accessible by subway.
Holy Virgin & St. Mark’s Coptic Cathedral, 455 Ferrier, Markham L3R 2Z5 on Steeles in between Pharmacy and Warden. The Steeles bus stops at each corner of the block. The Festival tents are on the east corner.
Friday 11 September 2015: 6.00pm –10.00pm; Saturday 12 September 2015: 9.00am –10.00pm; Sunday 13 September 2015 : 9.00am – 4.00pm
Stop by St. Mark’s Coptic Museum’s table… we will be
…launching a book on the Museum’s collection: Explore St. Mark’s Coptic
Museum. An Illustrated Introduction at a special Festival price of $15.- All sales will be directed towards the future Museum building!
… offering periodic (day time) tours of the Cathedral sanctuary
… giving an update on Coptic Studies at the U of T.
There’s a Brazilian Forro dance class in High Park down the hill west from Grenadier Restaurant. It’s from 4 to 7pm on Saturday, September 12. See: https://www.facebook.com/events/1024191374280628/