27 Jan
Even if you don’t need to prepare for a wedding, I highly recommend a visit this coming Sunday to the South Indian and Multicultural Bridal Fashion Show. It’s a great way to experience another culture – seeing it in the context of its weddings. Here in this trade show, you’ll see elegance and extravagance. You will find the latest in fashions, make-up, and flower arrangements. You can compare it with weddings in your own culture. You can ask questions of wedding planners on the number of arranged marriages in Toronto’s Asian community. How complicated have mixed marriages been to arrange?
Don’t miss the fashion shows at 1:30 and 4:30pm. If for nothing else, it’s a chance to enjoy the look of beautiful and for some people, exotic, wedding clothes. For our 2011 blog on my visit, click on http://bit.ly/xsq45R . A coupon from the organizer’s website gives you half-price admission on its $5 admission. See: Http://dreamsshows.com .
2017 Update: There’s a South Asian Bridal Show coming up soon. Please subscribe to our Blog for other updates.
The 20th Annual Suhaag Show. September 17. 12am-6:30pm. (Fashion shows at 1:30 and 4:30pm.) $15 (at door, parking free). International Centre – Hall 3, 6900 Airport Road, Mississauga. http://suhaag.com/show/toronto/.