Category : China

INVITATION | Asian Heritage Month Gala Performance of Asian Canadian Artists   TITLE: “SILK ROADS II – MONGOLIA: PHOTOGRAPHIC IMAGES, MUSIC AND DANCE FROM

466. Doors Open May 23 and 24 — 2015

Ruth writes: I look forward every year to the Doors Open opportunities coming up again this weekend. It gives me a chance to just

464. Searching for Uniqueness in Multicultural Ottawa – 2015

At a Christmas party last year, I won a $500 “Gift of Ontario”. I hadn’t been sightseeing in Ottawa for decades so I used

459. Interfaith Dialogues, Tibetan Events, & Buddhist Relics – 2015

Ruth writes: Coming up in May are some events of interest to people who want to learn about other religions.  Please mark your calendar

456. India’s Colourful Holi & Thailand’s Wet Songkran Festivals – 2015

Ruth writes: Toronto’s multicultural community was out celebrating spring and a new year with a vengeance this past weekend. Fortunately the weather cooperated. The

434. The Moment They Met

Every so often, I come across a painting I especially like. This one, a water colour,  is by Toronto’s Elizabeth Quan. It is one

431. Dalai Lama Nobel Peace Prize Anniversary – 2014

Ruth writes: The $30 price includes lunch. Venue: Tibetan Canadian Cultural Centre, 40 Titan Road, Etobicoke.