Category : Food

867.  Affordable Events March 30-April 7+ in Multicultural Toronto – 2019

In Toronto this week is a film about a search in Canada for a delicacy popular in Japan. Look for an Asian music series

855. January 6-13+ Affordable Events in Multicultural Toronto – 2019

Toronto’s winter events this week continue to express our multicultural roots: the Orthodox “Christmas” but also its annual Tango Marathon. Its free COC concerts

849. November 11-18+ Affordable Events in Multicultural Toronto – 2018.

How many living worldwide cultures can you find in Toronto during this period? Prolific are Toronto’s Remembrance Day events reflective of mainly European and

830. July 6–16+ Caribbean Carnival, Carabram, Halal Fest, Kalayaan, etc. – 2018.

Different cultural events are in profusion all over Multicultural Toronto now and those listed here are free or almost free unless you want to

773. August 3-8. Affordable Events in Multicultural Toronto – 2017.

Here are a few happenings this week that could make you think you’re in Indian food heaven, musical Ireland, or the Caribbean with its

710. December 24-27 Affordable Events in Multicultural Toronto – 2016

This month we have two major religious festivals on December 25, Christmas and the beginning of the Jewish Hanukkah. Christmas December 25 is Toronto’s

678. Filipino Arts Festival August 5-7 – 2016

Kultura Filipino Arts Festival August 5-7. Free except for food. To buy tickets see: Kapisanan Philippine Centre, (167 Augusta Avenue) and Nathan Phillips

693. Major Japanese Events – July 3, 9, 10 and 23, 2016

  Several important Japanese events are on this month. Thanks to P. Anne Winter and Linda Malloy for telling us about them and sending

658. Halal Food Fest – May 21, 22, 2016.

Lots of free food samples, food trucks and vendors. Clothes, jewellery and books also for sale. Performers and lecturers. An opportunity to learn about

653. Italian, Polish and Russian Supermarkets in Toronto

It’s not easy taking pictures for you in some “ethnic” supermarkets. Sometimes I get permission from management, but frequently I can’t – not even