Category : Tamil

896. Affordable Events January 14-26 in Multicultural Toronto – 2020

How do young Taiwanese find Taiwanese partners if they live outside their heritage country? A documentary and discussion this month in Toronto shows how

887.  Affordable Events October 7-25 in Multicultural Toronto – 2019

Our apologies for a gap in our listing of festivals and other events in our diverse city. What our server called a technical “attack”

886.  Affordable Events September 23-30 in Multicultural Toronto – 2019

We regret that a technical error meant a lot of our subscribers did not receive our previous blog no. 885. September 20-29. We are

882. Affordable Events August 21-30 in Multicultural Toronto – 2019.

Are any of our multicultural or inter-faith groups working on Global Warming together? I’m concerned that I haven’t found any. I was hoping it

881. Affordable Events August 3-18 in Multicultural Toronto – 2019.

Here’s our next batch of opportunities to enjoy the diversity in our city.  Most are free or almost free. Ruth.  Africa. Habari Africa. Friday,

879. Affordable Events July 18-28 in Multicultural Toronto – 2019.

As usual, we are listing lots of opportunities for foodies to sample new foods and to learn where to contact the caterers and restaurants

855. January 6-13+ Affordable Events in Multicultural Toronto – 2019

Toronto’s winter events this week continue to express our multicultural roots: the Orthodox “Christmas” but also its annual Tango Marathon. Its free COC concerts

854. December 21-31 Affordable Events in Multicultural Toronto – 2018

Christmas services Portuguese, Danish or Tamil style. Bringing in the New Year meditating in the Korean or Japanese Buddhist way. These are among the

838. Affordable Events August 24-29+ in Multicultural Toronto – 2018.

Look here for a chance to experience ancient Japanese Noh theatre arts and recent Taiko drumming. A call for map lovers to help Doctors

832. Affordable Events July 20-30 in Multicultural Toronto – 2018

During this period, you can meet Colombians and Peruvians and do your own test of the best Tibetan momos in Parkdale. You can get