4 Apr
The Fred Astaire & Judy Garland Easter Parade film set in New York City in 1912 inspired the Toronto Vintage Fashion Easter Parade. Because of the weather, the group in period dress, sang, danced and walked around Toronto. They travelled by subway to places like the Eaton Centre, Union Station and the Royal York Hotel.
By chance I happened to be on Fifth Avenue in New York City near St. Patrick’s Cathedral on Easter Sunday, the original setting of movie.
The celebration there has developed into something very different. Unlike Toronto‘s, it was not organized. It was originally an opportunity for church goers to show off their beautiful clothes. It was never a parade with bands. Last week, I saw very few people dressed in vintage New York style clothing. Fancy bonnets were the norm but they were not necessarily all flowers and wide brims.
The Toronto parade was organized by the Bees’ Knees Dance studio. It might become one of our cultural traditions. Will it be American or multicultural like Manhattan’s? For a report of this year’s Toronto affair, see: http://www.beeskneesdance.com/easter-parade/
What wonderful hats! Love the one with the live parrot and the new Pope one. 🙂
One man had a live black cat sitting on his head. It didn’t look like a real hat so I didn’t include it in my Blog. I included all the hats I loved. Ruth.
We hope that the Toronto Vintage Easter Parade will grow and include more participants rather than just spectators. And btw, love the guy with the African Gray parrot on his head!