As usual, we are listing lots of opportunities for foodies to sample new foods and to learn where to contact the caterers and restaurants
It must be the cold weather and the need for lots of food. Not many free events have come to my attention during this
As we get closer to Christmas, Toronto is bursting full with many festivals, musical concerts and parties. December 21 is the winter solstice. The
As we move into December, Christmas activities seem to dominate. In addition to religious events, look for seasonal theatre, parties, fund raisers, flower shows,
This month we have two major religious festivals on December 25, Christmas and the beginning of the Jewish Hanukkah. Christmas December 25 is Toronto’s
Ruth writes: I look forward every year to the Doors Open opportunities coming up again this weekend. It gives me a chance to just
Ruth writes: Someone asked me the other day if I went to all the festivals in Toronto. Yikes! I once counted one year’s worth
Ruth writes: For people who hesitate to just walk into a building of another religion or cultural group, here’s your once-a-year opportunity. The
I tried to do three events last Saturday afternoon. I went first to the Somalian festival at Mel Lastman Square. It advertised a
I was at the Royal Ontario Museum’s Iranian Heritage Day on Saturday. It was wonderful. I stayed there from 11am to 5.